Barely Adulting

S1E8: A Financial Wakeup Call – Tips on Managing your Money with Tanya Jackson!

Episode Summary

With personal finances, where do you start? Why should you care? It feels like a daunting topic to face as we're becoming adults! The internet is filled with information on what bank accounts to open, what stocks to invest in, and how you should be budgeting – it can all be overwhelming. Listen to our conversation with Northeastern Finance major, Tanya Jackson, to get all the tips on how to manage and be empowered by your personal finances.

Episode Notes

With personal finances, where do you start? Why should you care? It feels like a daunting topic to face as we're becoming adults! The internet is filled with information on what bank accounts to open, what stocks to invest in, and how you should be budgeting – it can all be overwhelming. Listen to our conversation with Northeastern Finance major, Tanya Jackson, to get all the tips on how to manage and be empowered by your personal finances. 


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Links to resources: 

Books Mentioned:  

I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Track your spending (if budgets are for you!):

